Does Getting a New Roof Increase Home Value?

If you're looking to sell your house, you may be trying to find ways to up your home's value. When deciding if you should keep your roof or upgrade to a new one, it's essential to understand how a fresh rooftop can increase your home's value. 

If you decide to install a new roof, a top-notch roof contractor in Baton Rouge, LA can offer their expertise. Here are some reasons you should install a new roofing system to increase your home's value.

1. Improve Your Home's Appearance

The first and most obvious reason to have a Baton Rouge roofing company install a brand-new rooftop is for the appearance of your home. A fresh housetop can help your home look more stylish, clean, and well-maintained. 

You can even ask your roofing contractors in Louisiana to change the texture or color of your shingles to complement the color of your house and give your home a more well-put-together look. This ups the curb appeal and immediately gives it the illusion of being a more expensive house, which is more than you'll get from a simple roof repair in Baton Rouge.

2. Get The Latest and Greatest in Roof Tech

Getting a new roof is also an opportunity to use some of the latest roofing technology. Roofing companies in Baton Rouge will tell you that modern roofing technology can adapt to hot and cold weather to keep your home more temperate. A strong rooftop is also more energy efficient, so your regular electricity bill might decrease.

Top roofing contractors in Louisiana can do this in a variety of ways. For instance, they can install "cool roofs" with asphalt shingles that reflect solar heat. Additionally, modern shingles do a better job of protecting against weather damage than old shingles.

3. Renew and Extend Your Warranty

A brand-new roof is also a great way to renew your warranty length. This is a great selling point for home buyers, as they know they won't need to worry about roof repair in Baton Rouge for a long while after they move in. This makes your house more appealing as it seems there are only a few projects to be done. 

Top roofing companies in Baton Rouge will warn you that looming projects for a home buyer can already be mentally exhausting before they even buy the house. It might even steer them away from purchasing the house altogether. So having a new roof is a great way to ensure your house is accessible to home buyers who don't have time for big projects.

4. Nip Problems in the Bud

If you start noticing signs of weather damage, it could be time to get a new rooftop from a Baton Rouge roofing company. If your house has ever suffered weather damage, this is a great way to tackle problems that have been lingering. It's also a great way to fix minor issues before they become significant problems. 

If your housetop faces many problems, a new roof is likely warranted. It can be more expensive to fix problems than it can be to overhaul the entire rooftop. So this method can be quick and efficient. 

Consider Getting a New Roof Today!

Trying to sell your house can be difficult, but the professional assistance of a top roof contractor in Baton Rouge, LA can streamline the process. Install a brand-new roof to give your house the best possible chance of being sold. Reach out to Stalwart General today for more information!


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