Hurricane Preparedness: How to Prepare for Storm Season in Louisiana

Are you worried about how to prepare for storm season in Louisiana? Read through this quick guide on hurricane preparedness and make sure you and your family are ready for the next big storm.

If you live in southern Louisiana, you know all about it…

Storm season becomes a hot topic every year right around June 1st. As the summer months heat up, hurricanes and other tropical storms can quickly develop in the Gulf of Mexico, causing a great deal of damage to the region.

To minimize storm-related losses, it is important to get ahead of the game before hurricane season begins. In this article, we'll cover some tips on hurricane preparedness and how to prepare for storm season in Louisiana.

That way you can better protect your family, home, and property before a hurricane or major storm occurs.

The Difference Between Hurricane "Watch" and "Warning"

Before we dive into how to prepare for storm season in Louisiana, it's important to understand some of the terminology that is often used during hurricane season.

The National Weather Service uses two distinct terms to describe the threat of a storm: "watch" and "warning." A watch means that conditions are favorable for a hurricane or tropical storm to form within 48 hours, while a warning means that the storm has already formed and is likely to make landfall within 36 hours.

Knowing the difference between these two terms can help you better prepare for a hurricane or major storm, as well as provide valuable information on when to take appropriate safety measures.


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