Insurance Tips for Storm Season: How to Stay Prepared For Storm In Baton Rough, LA

Don't get caught off guard when bad weather hits! Read our insurance tips for storm season to help you stay prepared.

It's not something everyone thinks about…

Before hurricane season hits or a big storm comes through, plenty of people work on getting as prepared as possible. They stock up on hurricane snacks, straighten up the yard, and some people even get their trees inspected and clear out any dead or dying branches.

But one of the most important things you can do to stay safe during storm season is review your insurance policy. Fully understanding your coverage and what is and isn't included in the policy is a key part of getting prepared.

In this article, we'll cover some insurance tips for storm season to help you be ahead of the game when bad weather hits.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Top of our list of insurance tips for storm season is to actually sit down and review your insurance policy. You need to fully understand what is and isn't covered.

Look at the deductible, exclusions, and overall coverage limits so you know what to expect should a storm come through. Be sure to note if there are additional fees for things like flood insurance or additional living expenses should your home become uninhabitable due to a disaster.

You also need to check that your insurance policy is up to date and that items like furniture, electronics, and appliances are properly insured.

Let's go over each step you want to take when reviewing your policy

Understand the limitations of your policy

The first thing you want to do is understand the limitations of your policy. What exactly does your insurance cover?

Home insurance typically covers things like damage to the structure of your home, theft, and liability in case someone is injured on your property. But it doesn't always automatically cover damage from things like wind, flood, or hurricane.

Take the time to look at all of the exclusions and make sure that you understand what exactly is covered under your policy.

Make sure you have enough coverage

Once you're clear on what your policy covers, you'll want to check and make sure the amount of coverage is enough for your home. You want your policy to have enough coverage in case you need to completely rebuild your home.

Be sure to take into account the current value of your home and any improvements you may have made, as well as any items that may cost a bit more to replace in the event of a disaster.

Something else to consider is making sure you have coverage for your possession as well. This includes things like furniture, electronics, and appliances, each of which can be expensive to replace.

Lastly, you might want to consider getting Additional Living Expenses coverage. This typically covers things like hotel bills, restaurant meals, and other costs associated with having to stay somewhere else if your home becomes uninhabitable due to a disaster. 

Check your hurricane/windstorm deductible

The last thing you want to check on before storm season occurs is your deductible. Most policies will have separate deductibles for wind and hurricane damage.

The deductible for hurricane damage might be much higher than your regular homeowners' deductible in order to protect the insurer from major losses. Instead of a dollar amount, hurricane deductibles are sometimes expressed as a percentage of the insured value of your home.

It's important to know what that figure is, so you're not surprised if you have a claim. And always check with your insurance agent if you're unsure about anything.

Document Your Property

Next on our list of insurance tips for storm season is to document the current condition of your property. This provides evidence of your home and its condition before a storm occurred.

Take time-stamped photos or videos of your home and property prior to storm season beginning. This can help speed up the claims process and serves as proof that your home and property were in good condition before a storm occurred.

Be sure to keep these documents somewhere safe, such as online, in the cloud, or at a relative's house, so that they won't get damaged if something happens to your property.

Pro tip: Consider hiring a professional roofing company like Stalwart to document your home before storm season starts. Not only will they take care of the risk of climbing on top of your house to take photos and videos, but they can also assess the current condition of your roof. They can pinpoint any weak areas and recommend repairs or improvements that could help prevent serious damage to your home. 

Take Inventory of Your Belongings

Once you've documented the condition of your home, next you'll want to go ahead and inventory your belongings. Create a list of possessions that you have and their current value.

Just like with the exterior of your home, you'll want to take time-stamped pictures and videos if at all possible. Without this documentation, it's often difficult to prove the value and condition of your possessions.

This might result in a lower settlement or denial of your claim altogether. Keep your pictures online or in a safe place so you can make sure you're adequately compensated for any storm-related losses. 

Prepare Your Property

Next on our insurance tips for storm season is to prepare your property. Now that you've checked your insurance and documented your home and belongings you'll want to take a few steps to get your home ready for storm season too.

Make sure you:

●      Clear gutters and drains

●      Trim trees and bushes

●      Secure loose objects in your yard

●      Cover windows and doors with protective shutters or boards

●      Safeguard important documents and records (financial documents, insurance policies, medical records, educational documents, legal documents, birth certificates, passports, etc.)

These steps can help to reduce damage to your home and property caused by strong winds and heavy rains.

Document Damage After the Storm

Last on our list of insurance tips for storm season covers what to do if your home or property suffers damage from a storm. After the storm has passed, the first thing you want to do is take pictures and videos of any property damage that occurred.

This will help to prove your losses and speed up the claims process as well. If you can't get to your home right away, see if a friend or neighbor can document it for you.

Once the damage is documented, make any temporary repairs necessary to protect your property from further damage. Then, contact your insurance company as soon as possible to report the issue and begin the claims process.

The sooner you start the claims process, the faster you'll be able to get your home and property back to normal.

Finally, make sure that you keep any receipts and other records of expenses related to storm damage and repairing your home. This will help to ensure the claims process goes smoothly and efficiently. 

FAQs About Insurance Tips for Storm Season

Here are some frequently asked questions about insurance and storm season:

Does home insurance cover hurricane damage?

Yes, most home insurance policies will cover hurricane damage. Be sure to check with your insurance provider for any exclusions or additional coverage that may be needed for certain types of storm-related damage.

Is storm damage covered by insurance?

Yes, most home insurance policies will cover storm damage caused by strong winds, hail, lightning strikes, and other weather-related events. Be sure to check your policy for any exclusions or additional coverage you may need.

Do I need to purchase additional coverage for floods?

Yes, flood damage isn't typically covered by a standard homeowners policy, so you'll need to purchase a separate flood insurance policy in order to be protected from flooding.

Are there other ways I can prepare my home for storm season?

Yes, in addition to the steps we listed above, you should also make sure your windows and doors are tightly sealed, caulk any cracks or gaps that could allow water into your home, and install storm shutters or impact-resistant windows for added protection. 

Conclusion to Insurance Tips for Storm Season: How to Stay Prepared

By following these insurance tips for storm season, you can make sure that you're properly covered and prepared in the event of a disaster. Make sure you review your insurance policies regularly and document your home and belongings to ensure that any losses can be properly compensated for.


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